Beautiful Maine

Beautiful Maine
Trip of a lifetime!

Friday, November 30, 2007

What A Day!

Poor Maddie is sick. It is around 10:30 pm and Maddie and I just got home from the Dr. She has had a cold all week, and today decided to spike a 101.4 temp. So, when I got off of work I came straight home, ate a quick dinner and took her to our local after hours clinic new in McDonough. (Fabulous place by the way, if anyone in our area ever needs it. Staffed by Scottish Rite Docs.) At any rate, the final diagnosis is bronchitis vs. pneumonia. She had some wheezing and "crackling" in the lungs so the Dr. was leaning more toward pneumonia, but couldn't tell for sure without a chest x-ray. So instead of giving my baby unecessary radiation, she prescribed a strong antibiotic that would work for either illness. See why I liked this place?! Anyway, after a couple of breathing treatments, 1 hour wait at the pharmacy, and 2 pukes in the car on the way home, we finally made it. She had a bath and is now snoozing quietly, just the way I like it. What can I say, it's never dull around here. Just when you start to get comfortable, WHAM! Oh well, it keeps thinga exciting. Love to all!


klonghall said...

Poor baby girl! It's that time of year. Here's hoping none of the other kids get it!

The Longnecker Zoo said...

Poor thing... I am bracing myself for something like that too. I am sorry she and you have to deal with that. Hopefully it will pass soon.

Lauren (My Niece) and Maddie

Lauren (My Niece) and Maddie

Patrick and Aimee

Patrick and Aimee