Beautiful Maine

Beautiful Maine
Trip of a lifetime!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Coming Soon....

I am such a slacker! I haven't updated my blog in so long, and I am so ashamed of myself! It has been a whirlwind around here since Christmas. I did get a new digital camera for Christmas and am looking forward to putting some new pictures up. Well, for updated news from us, today alone here is what we're dealing with. Parker has strep throat, and we have frozen busted pipes! Sounds like fun huh? Well the pipes are fixed, and Parker actually feels better today. Here is how I am trying to look at the blessings that I have as well... Today was a school holiday so Parker did not have to miss a day of school, I was already off from work, so I didn't lose a day of pay, and we have a great friend right down the road who happened to have everything to fix the pipes handy ( and the knowledge to do it). So the way I figured, it could have been much worse! We are now members of the newly formed "Jackson Branch". We had our first Sunday services yesterday. We are looking forward to being in a small branch and the challenges it will bring. I have been called as the 1st counselor in Primary, and Patrick is the 1st counselor in the Elders Quorum. We actually have about 14 active primary children, so it is a decent size, and we hope to grow by leaps and bounds. I started a new diet and exercise program with the new year. I lost 4 pounds the first week and have been too scared to weigh myself since then. I do notice a slight difference in the size of the "junk in the trunk" if you know what I mean. Also the stomach, or rolls as I call them are shrinking as well. I was instructed by my husband to lose as much weight as I wanted, but if I lose the the two B's (butt and boobs) I will be in big trouble! Well, hope everyone is having a great New Year, and I enjoyed seeing everyone during the holidays. Love and hugs to everyone!!

1 comment:

The Longnecker Zoo said...

It's about time you updated girly! Glad everything work out with the house and Parker. We just had to replace our heater...over $5,000.00 YIKES! Sometimes it sucks being a grown up! Good luck on the diet. I should start one too but I am too lazy/busy! That's my excuess and I am sticking to it. Good luck!

Lauren (My Niece) and Maddie

Lauren (My Niece) and Maddie

Patrick and Aimee

Patrick and Aimee